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Power-up Your Academy’s Mobile App with Analytics, Offline Video, Reminders, and more!

12 min

We’re introducing 6 new features in the LearnWorlds Mobile App Builder today to enhance your learners’ experience and enable you to grow your online learning business.

During our live Birthday Event in November, we committed to empowering you with more powerful features before the end of 2022. So here we are: enabling your academy to be available wherever and whenever your learners need it. It’s time to fasten your seatbelts because we’re about to take off! ✈️

Check the video 👇 to get a taste, or keep reading.

Let’s explore how each one of these 6 newly introduced features can level up your academy with the power of mobile.

Are you ready? Let’s get started!

Your Most Important App Metrics in One Dashboard

You have created an awesome mobile learning app. Now what? Naturally, you hope that your audience likes it as much as you do, or at least enough to increase engagement, course completion, and sales. But how do you define success and measure your progress toward your ultimate goals?

Your most important app performance data just landed into one dynamic and informative dashboard. Experience Mobile Analytics like never before – because when all of your important numbers are in one place, things start to make sense.

Mobile app Analytics allows you to track the full learner journey through your academy’s app. Combine your active users, sessions, interactions, and crash data with your sales and other performance metrics. Having timely, accurate, and granular app performance insights allow you to make confident decisions based on your users’ behavior. Remember, insights+actions can help you foster success both for your online school and learners!

Zero Time Chasing Data to Go Beyond Numbers

The Analytics dashboard provides a comprehensive overview of the key metrics related to your academy’s mobile app. You can examine these metrics in more detail and see how they fluctuate over time.

How? Easy! You can access the dashboard by navigating to the mobile section → Manage your App → Analytics.

In the Overview section, key metrics can be seen at a glance in an easy-to-digest format. Here is a quick walkthrough of the main reports and insights:

You can find insights related to the following:

The Mobile Analytics dashboard gives you a complete picture of your academy’s app at a glance, so all you have to do is put data to work! Now let’s move on to the most anticipated feature.👇

Your Audience Remains Plugged in With the Power of Anytime, Anywhere

Do your customers take a train or a bus or carpool regularly? Slipping those headphones on and getting some learning in! Then they download your courses(s) when they have a good internet signal and work when they’re back home. No more!

We’re introducing the power of learning anytime, anywhere with the LearnWorlds Mobile App Builder – Offline Video Mode. The Offline Video Mode was developed with one of our core principles in mind: to craft an unforgettable and convenient learning experience for your customers – your learners. Learning on the go is now truly possible. For all learners!

We’re so excited to announce this new feature because it’s something we know your customers really want. Offline Video Mode for mobile is here, available on both platforms – iOS and Android!

Accessible Learning Breaks Connectivity Barriers

We understand the frustration arising from not being able to access online applications without an Internet connection. In today’s on-demand world, it is important to accommodate the needs and preferences of the modern learner, allowing offline consumption of learning materials.

Now, the learning process fits into your learners’ busy schedules and doesn’t only happen when the circumstances are ideal. When we say you can deliver your courses anywhere at any time, we’re talking about your customer completing courses on a plane, on the underground train, or even on the treadmill at the gym. And think of those times when your users are in the middle of a module, but the video content won’t load due to a poor connection. That’s over!

Your learners can now stream or download your course videos directly from their iPhone or Android device and watch them offline at their convenience.

Offline mode allows for more than just location and connection flexibility – it also enhances the learning experience when the connection is poor or slow. Because let’s not forget that not everyone has great internet access all the time or can afford data plans that allow for consistent streaming quality.

How does it work? It’s very simple! All you need to do as an administrator is to toggle the button “On” to allow app users to download course videos individually or in bulk and watch them offline. To access the dashboard, navigate to the mobile section → Manage your App → Offline Video.

What does it look like for your learners? Here’s what you need to know: when they access your courses via your academy’s app, they click the “Download Now” button, and they’re set. Simple as that!

The downloaded version will automatically open on their devices, so no worries about accidental data usage.

And remember, we’re here to save your learners’ data, save their time, and -if we may say so- save the day. If that doesn’t define ‘convenience,’ we don’t know what does.

Keep reading because you’ll find 4 more new features available for your mobile app academy. Let’s move on to the next one!

Turn Learning Into a Habit for Your Customers

Building a learning habit is a key part of your student’s success. And the most important part of making anything a habit is to find time in your schedule to do it. In other words, your customers have to make learning a part of their daily routine.

We know that it can be hard for anyone to find the right time to learn. That’s why we’ve created Learning Reminders, our new Mobile App Builder’s feature that allows your students to set reminders at the time and frequency they’re most likely to learn — because even a few minutes of learning every day makes a difference.

Setting a reminder is a great way for your students to stay motivated and on track to finish their courses and reach their goals. Students can select the days of the week and the time of day they want to receive reminders straight to their phones. Easy-peasy! Learning Reminders will be like their own personal coach who motivates them to jump back into action. (After all, isn’t it true that we all need a little push now and then?!)

To explore or enable this feature in your academy’s mobile app, go to your admin dashboard, navigate to the mobile section → Manage your App → Learning reminders.

All you need to do as an administrator is toggle the button “On” to enable your app users to set up their own training plans and stay on track. Your learners will find the “Learning Reminders” feature via the “More” section in their app.

Don’t forget! It’s up to you, as an admin, to experiment and customize the notification message that will appear on the phone of your customers.

3 Learning Tips for Your Customers

We have 3 quick tips for you to pass on to your learners to make the best possible use of your mobile app.

Let them choose a convenient time

Whether that’s on their daily commute, on their lunch break, during their “me time,” or another convenient moment. Motivate them to pick the days that work, set the number of days per week they want to be reminded, and leave the rest to Mobile App Builder.

Empower them to integrate learning into what they already love

From my experience, whether running, doing some housework, or cooking, I’ve noticed that I enjoy learning via audio. It’s like doing things without thinking and wanting to challenge your brain. It’s easier, more enjoyable, and more fun!

Enable them to track progress over time

Your academy’s app has a unique “My Activity tab,” which visualizes your learners’ progress to help them stay motivated and make learning a habit. Learners can view their progress and feel accomplished and energized!

Now, what’s next? Get ready to ditch the old, as we made user authentication passwordless, easier, and more secure!

Passwordless and Secure, Simpler Than Ever

When you pick up your phone, chances are that you use your fingerprint or a face scan to unlock it. That’s biometric authentication. LearnWorlds Mobile App Builder is now packed with Biometric authentication features via Face ID or Fingerprint recognition.

Allow your customers to access their courses safely and quickly with fully automated biometric authentication for a seamless user experience.

Learners can log into the app on iOS or Android devices using face recognition or fingerprint, depending on what biometric options are available and configured on their device. Using biometrics to authenticate mobile users can help simplify the login process and makes it easier for your learners to log back into the app when their session expires. It’s an automated, fast, and accurate process that also facilitates remote student enrollment. You can focus on making your students’ lives easier by increasing automation in your student enrollment journey.

Accept students from around the world, and grow anywhere, anytime — we’ve got your back.

The best part: you’re only one click away from activating biometric authentication! To explore or enable this feature in your academy’s mobile app, go to your admin dashboard, navigate to the mobile section → Prepare your App → Customize your App and access the Sign in / Sign up tab.

Streamlined Identity in Education

We are here to keep the educational experience as streamlined as possible without sacrificing safety, engagement, or conversion.


Biometrics is a much-needed improvement over passwords. Passwords can be easy to hack, especially if someone uses the same password. Biometrics, on the other hand, is much harder to obtain. Your customers can feel more secure than ever!


The main reason for the popularity and prevalence of biometric authentication is that users find it much more convenient. No need to remember a complex password or change it every other month. They just put their finger over a keypad or look into an eye scanner, and they’re in.

Your academy’s reputation

You can maintain your academic integrity, ensure that people are who they say they are, and keep your institution’s image and reputation safe. Account takeovers are not acceptable anymore! You can unlock doors with the confidence that it’s still the right person that gets access.

You might be wondering: “I did make my learners’ lives simpler and more convenient,” but what about my prospective customers? We have great news for you, so keep reading! 👇

Open up Your Academy to Potential Customers

Did you know that forcing customers to log in to an app immediately after downloading can actually become a hurdle in this frictionless journey? It can turn them away and lead to app abandonment. So, what is the solution?

Apparently, the Apple store is now no longer accepting apps that do not provide a way for guests to browse the app before needing to register. It’s not just Apple’s strict regulations, it’s all about top-notch user experience.

While many apps require users to sign in and create an account, offering this feature can be pretty advantageous for your online learning business. You can enable your customer to explore the app, and when they’re ready to purchase your course, the app will request them to create an account seamlessly in one step.

The Guest User Flow feature is now available to take advantage of it with your academy’s mobile app. You can allow your users to explore your academy’s app before registration. Why not make a great first impression and offer an easy and smooth experience to your aspiring learners? App users will be free to discover courses and learn more about your academy before creating an account or enrolling in any selected course (free or paid). Make your prospects’ journey effortless and rewarding.

To enable this setting, access the mobile app through your admin dashboard → Customize your App and access the Sign in / Sign up tab, and toggle on the button.

Start with less information to go for a higher commitment

As discussed above, forcing customers to sign up from the first touch can lead to app uninstalls. On the contrary, offering the Guest User Flow feature can lower the risks of app deletions and boost conversions. Therefore, ideally, you can convey the advantages of having an account and then encourage your customers to create accounts at a favorable point in time.

Enhance first contacts and impressions

Use the Guest User Flow feature to make the first impression and offer an easy and smooth experience to your app users. As the users establish the first contact with your app, ensure they get access to it like any other user. Offer frictionless navigation and make their shopping journey effortless and rewarding.

Encourage account creation with reasons

Do not just settle with users signing up for your app as guests. You can wait for the right time and then encourage them to create an account by listing out the benefits of signing in as a customer. This practice can be more profitable for your business in the long term.

Expand Your App’s Capabilities with Firebase and Facebook Business SDK

Since we covered most of LearnWorlds’ newest updates, we left the last one for the end. But as they say, it’s last but not least! In our mission to get better every single day, as business owners, we know you share the same mindset. Therefore, we wanted to provide you with the tools you need to go one step further.

Now your academy’s app can integrate with Google Firebase and Facebook Business SDK natively. You can gather more data to create custom reports and understand app usage patterns with Google Analytics for Firebase. But the main need to integrate lies in your marketing efforts.

The power of mobile marketing lies within the palm (or pocket) of your customer. That’s right, I’m talking about their smartphones. If you can reach your audience anywhere and anytime, how will you know that your most recent campaign performed better than your previous one? Monitoring and keeping track of them is essential.

Google Firebase and Facebook Business SDK integrations are the answer. You can track the performance of your mobile marketing campaigns by adding and tracking important events such as:

All the above events and more, are being sent to Google and Facebook analytics as performance results of your marketing campaigns, empowering you to make informed decisions.

You can enable the Firebase and Facebook SDK for your white-label mobile app simply as follows: Access the mobile app via your admin dashboard → Prepare your App → Integrations and select “Activate”.

Mobile App Builder supports Firebase & Facebook standard events, which are collected automatically. On top of those events, we also track Learnworlds’ custom events. The following custom events are supported:

Learning is an ongoing process. It can be more intuitive, more accessible, and more convenient to users. As we always say, mobile is not about technology, it’s about the learner! That’s why we bring you the tools you need to:

Here at LearnWorlds, we are getting better every single day. It’s our promise to our customers and ourselves! If you want to take your online learning business to the next level, go mobile today and empower your customers to learn on the go!

Your professional looking Academy in a few clicks

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Jo Milonis
Product Marketing Manager at LearnWorlds | Website

Jo is a passionate Product Marketing Manager on a mission to revolutionize the eLearning industry, bringing to the forefront the most powerful Online Course Mobile App Builder created by LearnWorlds. She has extensive experience in the tech SaaS industry, focusing for over 5 year on driving growth through digital channels. Her studies are mainly focused on Integrated Digital Marketing Communications.