Customer Education

Product Training for Customers: a Complete Guide

Here’s a shocking truth: delivering a great product is only half the battle; the real game-changer is how well your customers understand and utilize it. Effective product training…
Customer Education

How to Build Your Customer Education Strategy

The importance of customer education for a business cannot be overstated. As products and services become more complex, customers need support and guidance to explore their full capabilities…
Customer Education

How to See a Positive ROI from Customer Education

Customer education has gained significant momentum over the past few years. What was once a task delegated to account managers or customer service representatives is now a formal…
Customer Education

11 Benefits of Customer Training That Drive Business Growth

A recent Salesforce report reveals that “80% of customers say the experience a company provides is as important as its products and services.” Consistency, efficiency, and a human…
Customer Education

How Can You Improve Customer Education? 5 Common Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Implementing a customer education program is challenging. And as we’ll discuss, these challenges might appear before the implementation phase. Or, despite your best efforts, things might not go…
Customer Education

Introducing LearnWorlds’ Training Matrix: Visualize Your Learners’ Progress at a Glance

Who doesn’t love to mix, match, and pivot intricate data to extrapolate a “quick” overview of how enrollments and completions are doing in their online academy? No one,…
Customer Education

6 Successful Customer Training Examples That Will Inspire You

The effort to meet customer needs never stops. A positive customer experience spans from the moment a customer first hears about your brand to the end of the…
Customer Education

10 Warning Signs You Need a Customer Education Program ASAP

Most businesses offer some level of employee training, whether it’s formal and well-structured or on-the-job training that happens spontaneously. But did you know that, in many cases, you…
Customer Education

Customer Training Best Practices: 7 Practical Tips for Optimal Results

Customer training benefits not only your customers but also your business..Empowering customers to fully utilize your product significantly boosts their loyalty to your brand, positively impacting your business.…
Customer Education

What Is Customer Training? Definition, Benefits, And A Quick How-To Guide

Customer training is a hot topic among businesses, especially those offering SaaS or complex products. Also referred to as customer education, this type of training focuses on customers…
Customer Education

7 Customer Onboarding Challenges and How an LMS Can Beat Them

The customer journey doesn’t stop when a sale is closed. On the contrary, the after-purchase stage is decisive in engaging customers and turning them into brand advocates. Once…